RSVP Policy

Please RSVP as early as you can.

Planning for successful events depends on members keeping their RSVP statuses current. We count on the RSVP numbers to ensure we have the right number of games and hosts on hand, as well as for informing the venue, and determining the amount of space and number of tables and chairs that will be required.

Remember, if you leave your RSVP as “Yes” when you *cannot* make it, you are taking up a spot that won’t be used and preventing someone on the waitlist from attending. Cancelling is far more helpful to everyone. We promise, we won’t be offended. 🙂

Conversely, showing up when you haven’t RSVP’d “Yes” is also unhelpful. We’d love to have you, but please RSVP so as not to disrupt our planning.

We understand people sometimes forget, but please don’t habitually disregard this simple courtesy.